Sno-Way manufactures a line of snow and ice management equipment for both residential driveways and commercial applications. Here are a few models from their snow plow line:

Sno-Way 22 Series snow plow
Made for small trucks and SUVs, the sno-way 22 series plow is intended for homeowners and non-commercial applications. Available in two sizes, the 6 foot 8 inch and the 7 foot 6 inch models run 22 inches in height. The 22 Series features a cool polycarbonate blade skin, shaving weight off of the plow unit. With its custom designed hydraulic system, the Sno-Way 22 Series snowplow offers easy operation and quick Drive-In mounting, and has other features found in commercial application plows. A great choice for Jeep ownerws who want to move small volumes of snow and ice!

Sno-Way 29HD Series Commercial Snowplow System
Sno-Way's 29HD series plow system is designed for commercial applications. Geared towards 3/4 ton and 1 ton vehicles, the 29HD series featues a high-strength steel moldboard, heavy duty hydraulic systems and full load trip spings. This Sno-Way plow also integrates an optional EZ switch plow wing system, extending and shaping the plow blade for more efficient operation. A quick attach electrical system wires up the plow in seconds, and the 29HD series also is compatible with Sno-Way's Pro Control wireless control system.